Monday, July 28, 2008

Day Three

In the morning, Dr Şölen Kipoz made a presentation on “Contemporary Turkish Fashion Design”. Lunch was spent in a local Chinese style restaurant were the Turkish students were delighted to find some non-spicy dietary options. We returned to the campus in the afternoon and the students listened to a seminar on “Design Process” by Professor Lakshmi Reddy, the head of the accessory design deparment. Sri Pattur summed up the proceedings with a very animated and motivating speech relating to the possible research and design possibilities of such a workshop.
In the afternoon, some retail theraphy was much needed and we visited a contemporary Indian fashion outlet, selling ethical products at moderate prices. The products ranged from traditional Indian clothing such as saris and shalwar tunics, to more street-wear interpretations in more traditional Indian textiles.
McDonalds provided yet another safe option for our delicate stomachs in the evening.

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