Friday, August 1, 2008

Day Ten

With the mapping now complete, boths set of students had a better understanding of their peers culture, and were now ready to prepare their moodboards. Still working in the same groups, students focused on a more refined concept developed from the initial board.

In general the imagery featured on the boards, and the visual presentation were interesting, with both students representing the most interesting aspects of both cultures. Problems arose, however, when trying to create a hybrid solution to fulfil the needs of the brief.

Olgay and Rohan decided to concentrate on the symbolic body ornamentation from Indian culture, called Sadhu, this was combined with the Evil Eye of Turkish culture.

Begüm and Abhilasha with some revision of their narrative calligraphic presentation concluded with a more graphically inspired solution which they complimented with some three dimensional design references.

Müge and Mayur focused on the relationship between the dance style of Sufism and Indian classical dance. By incorporating a variety of musical instruments from both cultures they expanded on their source material for design inspiration.

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